Monday, January 11, 2021

Jan 11, How to Get Locomotive Sound on a DC Analog Layout

Question about How to Get Sound on DC Layouts: I have an analog layout... If I buy an N scale loco with onboard sound will the sound work on the track? Answer: The answer is YES, but not with a regular DC transformer. You will have to purchase a special DC transformer that has this capability. It is made by Model Rectifier Corp, called MRC Tech 6. It can operate DCC sound-decoder-equipped locomotives on analog track with all the usual DCC functions including the ability to change CVs and programming of the decoders. Here is a video explaining its capabilities. Another option would be to just switch over to DCC with a Digitrax Zephyr or NCE starter system. These can operate both DC (using “00” as the code) and DCC locomotives.

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