Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Large Private Model Railroad HO Scale Gauge Train Layout at the Crossville MRC - Part 1

Large Private Model Railroad HO Scale Gauge Train Layout at the Crossville MRC - Part 1

Jan 26, Digitrax DS64 Stationary Decoders

Two new Digitrax DS64 stationary decoders. I bought these about 5 years ago for a project that was delayed. Upon restarting the project I decided not to

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Jan 26, Layout Surface: Plywood or Foam?

Q: I am planning a 4X6ft. N scale RR. I plan to use a 4X6ft. piece of plywood. I want to nail the track to a cork sub roadbed. What advantage does foam have? Thanks. A: The main reason I like to use foam pads as a layout surface is that if you want to dig out a creek, a lake or a ravine, it is much easier to do that if the surface is foam rather than plywood. It’s also helpful if you want to put a magnet under your track to use for uncoupling. A third reason is that it is easier to manage wiring. You can run wires easily through the middle of a foam pad to the side of your layout where your turnout switches or control panel might be located, or to run wires for an new light fixture that you want to put in the middle of your layout. Fourth, you can more easily embed a structure into foam so that you don’t have the foundation of your structure hovering over the surface of the layout. It’s also easier to plant trees in foam than in plywood. Foam is quieter than plywood when running trains. I also think that nailing the track down to plywood doesn’t allow for expansion and/or contraction of the track as the temperature and humidity change throughout the different seasons. So after a few years, you might find your track buckling a little. You still need the plywood under the foam pad for a good, steady layout surface, but for all the reasons above, I like foam pads on the top.

Jan 26, Layout Surface: Plywood or Foam?

Jan 26, Layout Surface: Plywood or Foam?

How To Switch Rail Cars Without A Yard (and Great Cars for ANY Layout) Explained.

How To Switch Rail Cars Without A Yard (and Great Cars for ANY Layout) Explained.

How To Switch Rail Cars Without A Yard (and Great Cars for ANY Layout) Explained.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Beautiful Private Model Railroad N Scale Gauge Train Layou at the Crossville Model Railroad Club

Beautiful Private Model Railroad N Scale Gauge Train Layou at the Crossville Model Railroad Club

Jan 12, Custom Train Hobby Table

ICYMI: Custom Train Table Solid Wood 8x10' 2x3' (removable middle) In northern Cincinnati area, pick up only. $100 OBO

Dec 13, Collector's Items

FYI: We just received a large shipment of mostly brand new and mostly N scale items from a collector on consignment to sell. All the items are gradually being cataloged and added to the storefront. However, if you have any interest in obtaining any particular brand or road-name at markedly discounted prices, let us know and we'll send you some pictures and prices.

Monday, January 18, 2021

Jan 11, How to Get Locomotive Sound on a DC Analog Layout

ICYMI: Question about How to Get Sound on DC Layouts: I have an analog layout... If I buy an N scale loco with onboard sound will the sound work on the track? Answer: The answer is YES, but not with a regular DC transformer. You will have to purchase a special DC transformer that has this capability. It is made by Model Rectifier Corp, called MRC Tech 6. It can operate DCC sound-decoder-equipped locomotives on analog track with all the usual DCC functions including the ability to change CVs and programming of the decoders. Here is a video explaining its capabilities. Another option would be to just switch over to DCC with a Digitrax Zephyr or NCE starter system. These can operate both DC (using “00” as the code) and DCC locomotives.

Monday, January 11, 2021

Jan 11, How to Get Locomotive Sound on a DC Analog Layout

Jan 11, How to Get Locomotive Sound on a DC Analog Layout

Jan 11, How to Get Locomotive Sound on a DC Analog Layout

Question about How to Get Sound on DC Layouts: I have an analog layout... If I buy an N scale loco with onboard sound will the sound work on the track? Answer: The answer is YES, but not with a regular DC transformer. You will have to purchase a special DC transformer that has this capability. It is made by Model Rectifier Corp, called MRC Tech 6. It can operate DCC sound-decoder-equipped locomotives on analog track with all the usual DCC functions including the ability to change CVs and programming of the decoders. Here is a video explaining its capabilities. Another option would be to just switch over to DCC with a Digitrax Zephyr or NCE starter system. These can operate both DC (using “00” as the code) and DCC locomotives.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Jan 3, Tracks: January 2021

ICYMI: Tracks - a model railroad newsletter with lots of great tips and tricks on how to build your own model railroad.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Titusville Area Model Railroad Club HO Scale Model Train Layout